(Summer Short) Across the Jordan
Delivered from Jordan, this lecture offers a take on current realities in the Middle East as experienced both in daily life and in news media representations. What does the view from Jordan look like, and how does it differ from that view which Americans are receiving? How does the war in Gaza impact not just Israelis and Palestinians, but the wider social and cultural fabric of the Middle East, and the sociopolitical realities of the wider world?
About the Speaker
Born and raised in Amman, Jordan, Marwan Hanania received his Ph.D. in History from Stanford. He teaches history at Santa Clara University. His research interests and areas of focus include the modern Middle East, urban history, refugees and migration, Christian-Muslim relations, the history of Islam, the late Ottoman period, and European empires.
About Summer Shorts
Summer Shorts are one-time livestreamed and recorded seminars open to OLLI @Berkeley members and non-members. Just $30 a Short. Shorts take place on Fridays in June, from 10–noon.